Cancellation, Termination, and Checkout Information


A cancellation received before June 1, 2025 will result in forfeiture of the security deposit. Occupants canceling the apartment agreement from June 1 through July 31 will incur a cancellation fee of $400 in addition to forfeiture of the security deposit. Any cancellation August 1 or after will be considered a termination regardless of whether the occupant has taken occupancy.


Academic Year - Current residents leaving during the academic year must complete the online termination by signing onto their application and clicking on Terminate Contract and Leave Group. Academic year termination policies and penalties may be found by viewing the Academic Year Contract.

Summer Term - Residents leaving during the summer term do not need to terminate their summer contract. If your move-out date has changed, please submit a new move-out date by signing onto their application and clicking on View/Update Summer.

Termination charges are based on the date keys are returned to the Housing and Residence Life Office. If you are returning keys after business hours, please place your keys in an envelope with your name, apartment date and drop into the Apartment Key Return box outside the Housing and Residence Life Office entrance doors at Streit-Perham Hall.

Leaving at Semester

If you are planning to move out at the end of Fall term, the following information will assist you in a smooth transition.

All students checking out at semester must notify the Housing and Residence Life Office by submitting a notice of termination. This is completed by using the Terminate Contract and Leave Group function on your online SSA application - The termination fee is waived for transfers within university housing, graduation, student teaching, WSU sponsored study abroad, internship or withdrawal from WSU.

*Required documentation for waiver of termination fee. Residents graduating will be excused from any termination fee provided your name appears on the Registrar's list of Students Certified for December Graduation. Student teachers must be enrolled for student teaching-practicum credits or submit a letter from the education department. Residents participating in an off-campus internship or study abroad program must supply a letter from their department stating they will be on an internship/off-campus program.

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact the Housing and Residence Life Office at 335-4577 or

Checkout Procedures

Apartments must be cleaned according to the cleaning guidelines. All trash and personal property must be removed from the apartment, balcony, deck, and patio. Storage units must be thoroughly cleaned and all items removed. You will be assessed any costs incurred by the University for cleaning and removal of personal property after you vacate the rental unit.

All keys must be returned to the Housing and Residence Life Office at Streit-Perham the day of checkout. After hours, keys may be placed in the key box outside of the Housing and Residence Life Office entry at Streit-Perham. Failure to return all keys at this time will result in a lock change fees.

The U.S. Post Office and the University (change address with WSU) should be advised of your new address at least three weeks in advance of departure to insure your mail will not be delivered to a vacated apartment. No keys will be issued for the purpose of mail retrieval after you move.

Housing and Residence Life should be provided with a forwarding address, so that refunds can be mailed to you.

If you are present at the time of checkout, damage or cleaning charges may be reviewed with the Housing and Residence Life staff person conducting the check-out. Damage and cleaning charges will be deducted from your damage deposit. If you are not present for the checkout, the findings of Housing and Residence Life will prevail.

You are responsible for contacting utility and telephone companies to discontinue services.

Cleaning Guidelines


  1. Clean out kitchen cupboards and under sink. Wash inside with ammonia and water.
  2. Stove Microwave:
    • Remove as many parts as possible for easier and more thorough cleaning.
    • Remember to clean under burners and remove reflector pan and clean underneath them
    • Stove parts, including broiler pan and oven racks, must be thoroughly cleaned as well as the oven. Soak rings, reflector pans, and broiler pans in ammonia water-use SOS pads for stubborn stains.
    • Wipe off enamel with lukewarm water and sudsy cleaning solution.
    • Wash interior and exterior of microwave with a solution of baking soda and water.
  3. Self Cleaning Stove:
    • Remove broiler pan and rack from oven before starting self clean operation.
    • Push and hold latch release button while sliding latch to far right position.
    • Turn oven set to clean.
  • On automatic oven timer set pointer ahead, on the stop dial marked clean, for as many hours as needed to clean the amount of soil in the oven.

    • 2 hours for light soil
    • 3 hours or more for moderate to heavily soiled oven
    • Oven Cleaning Light will glow when all steps have been set up properly.
    • Also, you will hear the sound of a fan sometime during cleaning.

LOCK LIGHT comes on when oven heats to temperatures above those usually used for baking. The light stays on during cleaning time and until heat decreases in temperature and lock light goes out. NOTE: Usually when lock light is out, door can be unlatched as described below. However, if latch cannot be moved easily while latch release button is being depressed, wait 10 to 20 minutes and try again to unlatch door.

  • When lock light is off, push and hold latch release button while sliding latch to far left position. (See NOTE above.) Open the oven door. (Lower window shield by pushing handles inward and toward bottom of window.
  • Check to be sure your self-cleaning oven is working properly. If there is a problem with it not cleaning properly, call Maintenance at 335-1541. It is your responsibility to make sure it is left clean before leaving.
  1. Refrigerator:
    • Remove all food, defrost, and clean completely.
    • Wipe inside and out with lukewarm water and sudsy cleaning solution.
    • After closing-leave refrigerator set on lowest setting.


  1. We recommend Green Scotch Brite to clean toilet and sink.
  2. Medicine cabinet and toothbrush holder should be cleaned out and washed down with water and sudsy cleaning solution.
  3. To clean: Use a cloth and liquid cleaner. Thoroughly rinse after cleaning.

Remaining Apartment

  1. Walls: Wash all walls with a cleaning solution. Wipe walls from bottom and move upward toward ceiling.
  2. Windows: Wash with a mild solution of sudsy cleaning solution in water.
  3. Curtains: DO NOT WASH DRAPES
  4. Floors: Sweep and mop vinyl floors.DO NOT WAX. Thoroughly vacuum carpeting.
  5. Remember to clean all items out of storage areas and sweep out. Items left in storage will be disposed of.
  6. Remove all trash and cleaning supplies from apartment must be disposed of in a proper manner.
  7. Anything found inside an apartment will be considered "not wanted" and will be disposed of.

Reminder- Be sure to leave the following items in the apartment:

  • Ice Trays
  • Broiler Pan
  • Mattress pad

If you have additional questions regarding cleaning procedures, please contact Housing Custodial at 509-335-6460.They will be happy to answer your questions.